Saturday, March 22, 2008

the ugly pages

regular nyzul isle assault has resulted in some ugly outfits. we've had these for a few weeks now but i haven't posted screenies because i don't always have this pc with me.

but here's another fashion faux pas from tulaq...gotta love a man who can mismatch his outfits almost as well as i can match mine...

you can't see from this picture but those chaps have red ruffles at the bottom. and tulaq wears these pants all the time as part of evasion build. thank altana the assault jerkin was just to taunt me.

anyway, here is my contribution to the nyzul fashion monstrosities. the goliard trews...

az is wearing the ugly denali legs but he distracts us from them by showing off his boobs. az is very classy. our group is like 3 out of 9 or 10 on legs i believe. we haven't seen the askar piece.

umm...because the goliard trews aren't ugly enough with the purple swirly leopard print i decided to pair them with a harness!

loren said i look like i belong in a prince video but this is actually my damage reduction set up. goliard trews, hexrei cape, genbu shield, jelly ring, and dark steel harness. that's -24% damage which is pretty nice for maintaining stoneskin. but it is so ugly. i am glad that's primarily a soloing setup for me so no one can see me.

anyway, we should hit floor 60 in nyzul this week. i am actually looking forward to goliard cuffs which are like a free version of the morrigan hands. they have accuracy which means i'd probably wear them full time in my melee set up. outside of that, they are just ok since i have zenith mitts. but they may turn out like the goliard clogs which i love more than i expected when i am not in mp glutton mode. (mithra RSE2 feet have 35mp on them) but as i've mentioned before, i have too much mp gear for my convert ratio. maybe i'll merit some hp to balance things out.

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