Sunday, March 2, 2008

good byes

i hate good byes. real ones, in game ones. its all so final.

recently i had someone leave my shell. i am very shellcentric so leaving my shell is really a good bye for me. i have limited play time and i usually spend my play time with linkshell members. but i never fault anyone for leaving rrb because, quite frankly, its not for everyone. what did bother me about this particular person is that they left rrb for what i'd consider a disreputable shells. you know, one of those shells that prides itself in being pro but really is just a bunch of nicely geared dirty players. it is a disappointment to me because i take great pride in the integrity of the players in my shell. and i almost fell like we were harboring a fox for years when i found out a member of rrb have left us for a shell that condones stealing claimed mobs and dynamis zones.

but i am naive. perhaps gear is end all be all since gear is the only real displayable achievement in this game. i guess that's not so different than real life big houses...

anyway, what made me saddest this week is that kalight left the game. ka may not have been my closest friend but i did really enjoy his very astute observations, ever present booing and well played SAM. i hate when people leave because vana'diel seems so much emptier without them. but i do understand and even commend ka for sticking to his guns and leaving the game on his own terms. i haven't walked away from vanadiel yet but i think it is probably pretty difficult.

/salute kalight. i will miss you. thank you for all the adventures!

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