Thursday, February 28, 2008

so tired

i am unbelievably tired these days. i guess packing up, driving across the country, setting up house (i still need a kitchen table) followed by 2 weeks getting up at 5am everyday to beat the early morning dc commute makes you tired?

but this is supposed to be a ffxi blog, so how does this new tiredness effect ffxi? it makes me cranky with my nyzul isle team when they politely tell me they have status stuff or they decide to remind me that a mob has buffed.

i will admit. i do get pissy in any situation where people tell me they have status stuff or that a mob needs to be dispelled. its not cause i don't want to remove their affliction or dispel the mob because i am more than happy to do so. its cause 90% of the time, i already know they have a status effect or the mob has buffed and i am working my way to getting rid of it.

so if i am working on it, why hasn't it already been cast? well, nyzul isle and even salvage are a bitch for healers. you are constantly trying to keep up with the group that is watching a clock. they don't wait for you and they sure as hell don't wait for your mp.

in nyzul, we split up into groups to look for mission objectives. sure, i try to keep up with the group but i do end up lagging behind simply because i have to cast things. and dependent on our aggro situation, i might have to completely turn around to try to help to deal with angry mobs. and then i will have to take the time to buff cause i probably didn't have a chance prior to sleeping aggro.

so then i'll catch up to the group that has inevitably pulled a caster mob or mob that needs to be dispelled or something icky that needs a barspell to combat its horrendous aoe. and somebody in the group will have low hp or a status ailment or needs haste cause it looks like the mob is eating shadows too fast. or maybe the whole group will be dying from soulflayer bio III.

so i get to work. i have priorities. silencing a caster mob is my number one priority. it saves me mp in the long run. unless of course, everyone decides to hit the mob while it still has ice spikes up. i don't know why melee can't wait until the mob is dispelled to hit it. dispel is 2nd on my list of things to cast. i do get extra pissed when people tell me they are paralyzed after they hit a mob with ice spikes up. its your own freaking fault...

az, if you are reading this, just finale the god damn ice spike mobs to start since i am always going to silence first.

after that, i have to keep myself alive, especially if we have aggro. if i have slow, i have to erase myself before the rest of the party so my erase timer doesn't suck. if i am poisoned/bio/dia and we have aggro, i have to remove it from myself first so it doesn't eat up my stoneskin. if i am paralyzed, i have to paralyna myself first. i have to keep myself refreshed. i have to resleep aggro and then reapply buffs.

after all that is considered, i will start in on removing status stuff, provided no one is in immediate danger of dying. if i had to do all of the above stuff, someone inevitably advises me that they have status stuff....

i guess here is some guidance for when to tell your healer that you need status stuff removed. obviously, if your healer is the slacks, feel free to nag but if you have a competent healer, show your appreciation by respecting that they'll do their job well.
  1. you are dying from bio III, dia III or poison III. if you have less than 200 hp and nothing else is going on, let you healer know you are going to die in 2 tics.
  2. your healer is not near the mob when you got hit with status. especially if you kill the mob and the healer doesn't get a chance to see it.
  3. you don't normally have hate and get a status effect that doesn't show in the log. i just read the log. i rarely look at the actual party. i cannot always tell who had hate when a mob uses a tp move. i will always remove status effect from tank, assuming they had hate. if the status removal comes back no effect, i know someone else had hate but i can't always tell who it was. my first guess will be the DD who just WS or THF or /THF but that's not always the case. speak up here. it would save me some guessing.
  4. if you are behind the tank and mob uses directional aoe that doesn't show in the log. if you aren't a THF or /THF and this happens more than once and there's no reason for you to be behind mob, i won't remove your status ailment.
when not to tell your comptent healer you have status and your healer is in range. this stuff is just annoying.
  1. your healer has no mp. don't freaking ask for erase when i have under 100mp. its not gonna happen unless you are dying.
  2. if you are paralyzed and it proc's. this shows up in the log, so i can read it there just as well as i can read it in party chat. also paralyze is not life threatening unless you are tanking. paralyze proc rate varies by mob, so sometimes your paralyze is not as bad as you think. yes, i know it sucks to have your JA paralyzed, but you can also wait until you are paralyna'd or paralyze wears to use the ability.
  3. the entire party is slowed. i will erase myself, tank and any support if they can't erase themselves. if i have mp, i will erase other jobs but if we are fighting a bunch of mobs that have a slow that overwrites haste (slow II, elegy type), you might be stuck with slow for awhile. my mp pool doesn't support this type of mob well, so we all have to suffer.
  4. if you just saw the healer cast erase, don't ask for erase or mention an eraseable status ailment. erase has a timer. you gotta wait your turn.
  5. don't ask for blindna when fighting bones.
  6. don't ask for stona and your healer is a RDM.
what can you do to help your healers?
  1. don't hit mobs with ice spikes that can be dispelled or finale'd until they are dispelled or finale'd. i will let you suffer in this case.
  2. carry meds. a hi pot or two and some antidotes can save your life when a healer's mp is crunched or focus needs to be elsewhere.
for me as the consummate RDM, don't freaking insult me by telling me to dispel a mob. i saw whatever it is in the log. i will dispel it as soon as i finish casting what i was casting. the only time i appreciate dispel comments is when killing repops that cast ice spikes on the pull cause that won't show in my log if the mob is far away. or if i am far away and didn't see the mob use the move. or its a mob type i have never killed before.

i guess from my nyzul isle group, i would like to see enna and az cover a specific person for erase/poisona on the soul flayers. and i'd like everyone to realize that i don't have the mp to screw around with paralyna on these. so if the paralyze bugs you, turn your back until az can dispel them. my priority on soul flayers is having enough mp to spam curaga's to counter bio III/poison III until they are removed.

anyway, this was a most grumpy post but i just people would give me a little credit. anyone who wants to do my job, feel free to show up as RDM. i'd love that type of assistance. 8P or perhaps i should just start telling the melee to attack or recast shadows every time a mob uses an aoe move and i see their hp drop...

please note that i do realize that my nyzul group has 2 or 3 people that can cover the responsibilities of dispel and status removal. and that comments are not directed directly at me. and that the comments made there are not mean or disrespectful or anything bad. but i hate reading that crap in party chat. and if i am tired, it makes me bitchy.


Ennayram said...

wow, rough week huh Ny?
How about coming and talking to me as the group leader first about issues like this?
I have been meaning to have a little group get together to discuss these little issuesbefore they became a big deal. Seems I'm a little late eh? lol
Anyway, I have a few ideas that will help not only the group but largely the workload you have. LETS TALK! ^-^

Ennayram said...

Wow, rough week huh Ny?
How about coming and talking to me as group leader first about these kinds of issues you might have eh?
I have been meaning to have a get together with the group lately to discuss anything like this but I guess I'm too slow lol.
I have some ideas that will help the group be more efficient as well as reduce the strain on your workload.