you should skip this blog if you don't care about RDM macros or at least my thoughts on RDM macros...
anyway, everybody knows RDM is pretty much average to sucky in everything but enfeebling mobs. and that even A+ enfeebling skill isn't a guarantee that you can enfeeble endgame type stuff.
so how's a RDM to excel with such dismal base stats? Through smart gear swaps. RDM has access to a lot of different gear types so it is possible to boost lagging stats to a presentable level.
Casting Goals
my goal in anytime i don't have my sword drawn is to land my enfeebles with as little enfeebling gear on as possible. enfeebling skill gear and magical accuracy gear take up spots where i could stack MND/INT gear. MND/INT determine the potency or proc rate of enfeebles, so to maximize an enfeeble i really want to throw on the MND/INT stuff.
if i have my sword drawn, chances are anything i am fighting is relatively trivial to enfeeble, my goal is to reduce timers, maintain tp, cast full strength stoneskin and maximized phalanx and enspells.
i recently switched to pc and use a windower with scripts for macros. while this allows me to swap more pieces per macro, my macro scheme is the same as it was on the more limited ps2/xbox360.
i don't like spellcast right now cause i have to test a mobs resist rate. i actually like to make decisions based on resists, etc and i can't figure out how to deal with that in spell cast. it doesn't mean spellcast isn't a cool plugin; its just not quite right for my version of RDM.
Subjob Books
i have a book of macros for /BLM, /WHM and a book for RDM melee that combines /BLM, /WHM and /NIN spells. all the books have the same set up. i like that so i don't have to search my macros for something. some books have blank spots because i just don't have any spells to put there.
alt 1 - base gear sets
ctl 1 - WHM status
/BLM - blank
alt 2 - Healing - cures, refresh, regen, haste, protect, shell
/WHM -protectra/shellra macro
ctl 2 - Buffs - stonsekin, phalanx, blink
/WHM - barspellra, curaga, curaga II, DS, convert, cure IV me
/BLM - barspell, convert, cure IV me
Melee - ichi, ni, convert cure IV me
alt 3 - Enfeebles - MND based enfeebles
ctl 3 - Enfeebles - INT based enfeebles
/BLM - drain aspir, sleepga II, ES
alt 4 - Nukes
ctl 4 - Elemental enfeebles
/WHM - blank
alt 5 - Raise & Transport
/WHM - reraise, tele's, chainspell + tele
/BLM - warp, escape, chainspell + warp, chainspell + escape
Melee - has all above the above
ctl 5 - sneak/invis
Base Gear Sets
my base gear sets are based around body pieces.
Errants - my default set - swaps in a full set of my default gear
Warlock's - if i need more enfeebling skill - swaps in a full set of enfeebling gear
Duelist - if i need fast cast - swaps in a full set of fast cast gear
melee, i select most of the pieces by hand dependent on what i want to do. so this really just applies to my /WHM & /BLM sets. for my melee macros, i am usually just swapping rings. the exception would be soloing an HNM and i would write a specific set for the mob.
Gear Swapping
i swap earrings, ring sand neck piece in a macro containing scripts for healing and enfeebling. i have staves and wand choices written into each spell's macro so that i can decide between staff or wand if my enfeebling skill allows it.
this arrangement gives me control over whether or not i am casting in enfeebling gear. and i don't have to hit a gear only macro every two seconds.
i swap body, earrings, rings, neckpiece, head piece, legs and feet in a macro containing scrips for nukes and elemental debuffs. once i cast a nuke, i hit the macro for the appropriate base gear set.
my convert macro contains a full mp build, so once i convert and use up all the mp from gear, i swap back to the appropriate base set.
lolz anyway, i hope that wasn't too boring but az asked me to post some info on my macros so that's what they look like.
Friday, February 1, 2008
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